- The Missing Flowers - Bunga-bunga Yang Hilang -

Made with Construct 3
Just a Prototype - Enjoy The Game :D

Objective : Collects All Missing Flowers 

Controls :
Movement - Arrow Keys
Left Shift - Run
Space - Jump
Q - Spell 1
E - Melee

Shortcut Keys : 
T , Y , U , I , O

Here's The Game Assets Source :
https://ansimuz.itch.io/caverns-environment - Cave Tileset
https://penzilla.itch.io/hooded-protagonist - Red Hooded Protagonist
https://bdragon1727.itch.io/pixel-holy-spell-effect-32x32-pack-2 - Spell
https://penzilla.itch.io/magic-wizard - The NPC
https://nkrm.itch.io/32x32-jagged-red-grass-tileset - Underworld Tileset
https://llen.itch.io/crops-free-sprite-commercial-and-non-commercial - Cherry
https://bdragon1727.itch.io/free-smoke-fx-pixel - Smoke behind Spell's Indicator
https://vassago-labs.itch.io/just-a-few-flowers - The Lovely Flowers <3 Love it!
https://smallmak.itch.io/top-down-npc-compendium - Creepy Undefeated T-T Skeleton
https://bonvicio.itch.io/pixel-art-bonfire - Dark Souls's Bonfire :D *jk
https://niro58.itch.io/environment-pack-rocks - The Paralax Rocks
https://free-game-assets.itch.io/free-swamp-2d-tileset-pixel-art - Chests and Sign
https://aimmaga.itch.io/lava-golem - The Golem

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